Lunology 12:1-5

1 And with Her last sacrifice, and with the victory of Her people, she was cursed to divine wisdom.
2 For She shall know the truth, and the truth She shall give to Her people.
3 But Her people shall not comprehend.
4 And Chrystella's eyes gave way, a forever-flowing river. The starry eyes now glassy with the knowledge of the unknowable.
5 She is damned to forever be the only one that understands the truth.
When the year is new, and the streets are paved with white. In the catacombs of D.C. if you really press your ear, you can still hear her wailing.
But this is not her story. Let her lie there, go back the way which you came. This is not her story. Not this time at least. There is much work to be done.