


Orynthia is the main setting of Fragments of Fable. A planet very reminiscent of Earth in geography and composition, it holds many forms of sapient life and deities.


Full article: Species

The sapient life of Orynthia is mostly peaceful and civilized.
If we consider lands affected and used by these species then approximately 70% of the planet's non-oceanic surface is occupied.
The most prominent species are: Harpies, Lycanthropes, Humans (Holo, Vampiric, and Kemono), Elves, Anthro Animals, Merfolk and their subraces, Draconi, Concubus (Incubus/Succubus), and Angels.


Humans are separated by their lineage stemming from primates, they are characterized by their winglessness, hairlessness, bipedalism and round ears. There are two primary subspecies of human: Holohumans, and Anthropomorphic Humans. Commonly refered to as Holos and Kemonos.


Holohumans (derived from hólos, "whole") are 'base-form' humans, with no discernible differences from real-life humans. They are colloquially known as just Holos and comprise around 15% of the population.


Anthropomorphic Humans are a subspecies which can take on characteristics of any number of mammals. This anthropomorphism usually manifests in a tail or animal-ears. They are colloquially known as Kemonos or Kemonomimi (lit. animal-ears in Japanese). They comprise 20% of the population.


Known scientifically as Nocturna Sanguis (lit. 'Night Blood'), they gain sustenance from blood consumption and are known to be sensitive to the sun. They are colloquially known as Vampires and comprise 10% of the population.


Nations in Orynthia usually have an obvious parallel to real-life, oftentimes with some minor deviations in its history, and a mystical twist for their day-today lives.
Some of the countries are:


The Orynthian Deities are inextricably linked with the nations, with each regional power having a Patron-Deity that 'protects' the people, and in return the deity receives worship.


The magic system of Orynthia is relatively known. Magic is widely practiced in all Orynthian societies, and almost everyone has passing knowledge of it. The following forms of magic are documented and/or practiced: