The Office of Unusual Services, known informally as the Office, metonymously as Laylay and historically as The Corporation, is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the federal government of the Vespucian Commonwealths tasked with gathering, processing, and analyzing occult security information from around the world, primarily through the use of sapient intelligence (SAPINT) and conducting covert action through its Office of Operations. The agency is headquartered in the Bernard Claw Center for Intelligence in Laylay, East Bleakspire.
Office of Unusual Services
Seal of the Office of Unusual Services.
Bernard Claw Center for Intelligence in Laylay, East Bleakspire.
(Official): Lumigante la Mallumon [Illuminating the Darkness]
(Unofficial): For She shall know the truth, and the truth She shall give to Her people. (Lunology 12:2)
(Unofficial): For She shall know the truth, and the truth She shall give to Her people. (Lunology 12:2)
Agency Executive
Luna Callisto (Chairwoman of the Office)